Dr. Mohamad Barakat
Doctor, founder of the Instituto Barakat de Medicina Integrativa
Massage and Medicine by Renata França
Creator of the massage which is the most desired by the famous, Renata interviews physicians and specialists for J.P. magazine, addressing the benefits of massage for people’s health.
Dr. Mohamad Barakat
Doctor, founder of the Instituto Barakat de Medicina Integrativa and author of books on healthy living – Regional Council of Medicine [CRM] Registry No. 68874
1 – Renata França: What are the pillars of integrative medicine?
Mohamad Barakat: Basically, healthy eating and preserving a healthy gut, exercising, managing sleep and stress. Finally, balancing your body, mind and spirit. These “items”, when well managed, are the secret to a healthier, happier and longer life! They represent the fullness of being. When we understand that everything is connected, we acquire not only good habits, but connection and body awareness that are key for a happy and healthy life.
2 – RF: As a doctor for over 30 years, what led you to a deeper engagement with this practice?
MB: I come from a family of low-income and unlettered Arab immigrants. I was “raised to eat”, food was as an escape and a symbol of success and prosperity. At 12, I weighed almost 100 kg. When I finally took the reins of my life, I decided to establish my eating as a priority and started exercising. I began to make choices (and abdications) to change and avoid activating genetic triggers (diabetes, obesity etc.) as an adult. Every healthy choice, as subtle as it may seem, is relevant. A study reveals that 70% of diseases result from choices and 30%, from genetic factors.
3 – RF: In the USA, the government encourages research in integrative medicine. What is the greatest challenge in Brazil?
MB: “Overcoming” such a strong culture of practicing medicine with a major focus on the disease, instead of promoting health. Starting from this assumption, we will be able to understand why there is a lack of interest in promoting research on more integrative perspectives, focusing on maintaining health and avoiding diseases, which consists of a different approach towards patients, helping them heal “body, mind and spirit”. The good news is that, in recent years, we have noticing a greater awareness among the population, including in Brazil, towards such integrative vision.
4 – RF: Have people started to “unwrap less” and “peel more”?
MB: Yes, we have been noticing a “counter-antinutrients” movement, ultra-processed, dyed foods, acidulants and all those unpronounceable chemical elements. Still, we need to further spread such awareness among a greater contingent of people, in favor of a more natural diet: actual food. This discussion came to light a while ago and it makes me happy, but I still notice people who are accommodated, trapped within limiting beliefs that prevent them from moving forward. Like I always say, though: there is no such thing as the “right time”. Get started right away!
5 – RF: It is known that massages minimize tension and abnormalities caused by it to the human body. What other benefits does it deliver to your patient?
MB: For first-coming patients, it promotes relaxation, as many of them come to me with pain, fatigue and stress. Over time, we identify other needs and guide them to the most diverse lines. Massages work from muscle to injury recovery and other disorders. This enables treating inflammatory conditions that possibly cause pain and discomfort, in addition to helping in weight loss processes.