Massage and Medicine

The role of massage in the post-surgical treatment of plastic surgery

Dr. Rodrigo Mangaravite

Specialist in Plastic Surgery, member of SBCP and ISAPS

Massage and Medicine by Renata França

Creator of the massage which is the most desired by the famous, Renata interviews physicians and specialists for J.P. magazine, addressing the benefits of massage for people’s health.

Rodrigo Mangaravite, MD

Specialist in Plastic Surgery, member of SBCP and ISAPS. Author of the book “O que a cirurgia plástica pode fazer por você” (“What plastic surgery can do for you”).

1 – Renata França: What led you to the expertise in rhinoplasty?

Rodrigo Mangaravite: It definitely is the most complex surgery. It has always fascinated me, due to the high complexity of the anatomic nasal structure and because a few millimeters can completely change a person’s face. Thus, I heavily invested in knowledge on different rhinoplasty techniques. I have operated on over 2,000 noses and aim at increasingly enhancing my technique.

2 – RF: What is the importance of massage in the post-operatory period after a plastic surgery?

RM: When properly done, the massage during the post-operatory period brings a huge relief to the patient, because it reduces edema and ecchymoses (purple bruises) I would say it is essential to the good result of a surgery.

3 – RF: How does lymphatic drainage massage contributes for a plastic surgery to be successful?

RM: It greatly helps for a quick recovery. The patient can see the result in less time, and also can resume their daily activities earlier.

4 – RF: In your opinion, in what post-surgery process is massage essential?

RM: To avoid the formation of fibrosis, one of the biggest “enemies” of plastic surgery. It can distort structures, cause skin retraction and, in some cases, form nodules that hamper the result of a surgery.

5 – RF: In what cases does it come in the immediate post-operatory period?

RM: It can be done on the day after the surgery, provided it is done with proper technique. In the case of the rhinoplasty, I do not recommend manipulating directly the operated site. Manipulating and draining the areas close to the region’s lymphatic system greatly help give more comfort to the patient. In a liposuction surgery, the aspirated site gets sensitive, but manipulating the lymph nodes in the region greatly helps reducing the edema and ecchymoses.

6 – RF: When is it not recommended?

RM: Concerning plastic surgery, I don’t see any counterindication. The most important thing is for the patient to be massaged by a qualified professional, because, when properly done, massage and draining are essential in the post-operatory period.